I’m back

Well this certainly feels surreal! I can’t believe it’s been a year since my last post. I know most bloggers go absent because something bad happens – they get sick, go through a relationship breakdown, have problems with work, etc – but I have no such excuse…

I’m still extremely grateful for the life that I lead. I have the best husband a girl could ever ask for, a healthy and exceptionally vivacious 10 month old!! (which is probably the main reason why I haven’t had a chance to blog over the past year), and superbly brilliant parents who retired and moved down to be closer to my brother & I – how lucky am I?? 🙂 In addition, since becoming a mother – my favourite & most challenging role to date – I have made a swap to a more family-friendly specialty which I’m sure I’ll complain about in due course…!

Until then.. here’s a little post on my family outing to Bistro Guillaume this afternoon… xx

What are your thoughts...