Acorn Nursery & Oaks Cafe

My husband is currently doing nights, so whilst I was at work this morning, my parents kindly agreed to take care of my son. And if that’s not awesome enough, when I got back from work, my Mum decided to take us out for lunch!

Photos are courtesy of my Dad who brought along his D3.

We drove to Acorn Nursery in Surrey Hills – along Canterbury Road.ImageImage

It was a beautiful afternoon and Ethan absolutely loved running around all of the beautiful plants, pots and water features. Fortunately he didn’t knock anything over although his sleeves got wet from playing with the water fountains!!ImageImageImageImageImage

In the nursery is a neat eating place called Oaks CafeImageIt’s a lot bigger than this photo would suggest!! This was just a small area adjacent to the Nursery… The cafe is open 9-4pm Monday to Friday and 9-5pm on weekends.

Ethan had his favourite form of potatoes..Imagewhich were AMAZINGLY good.

Dad had the pizzaImagewhich was a tad average (to be kind).

I had the vegetarian samosas served with a very tasty raita…Imagewhich were extremely yummy and very unhealthy!

And Mum ordered from the breakfast menu (I love being able to order from a breakfast menu after midday!!)..Imagecorn cakes with poached eggs.

And here’s a snap of three of us, minus Grandpa, at the front of the Nursery…ImageWhat a truly amazing afternoon.. Thanks Mum & Dad…!!

Acorn Nursery - Oaks cafe on Urbanspoon

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