The Royal Melbourne Show

Last week, my parents, Ethan & I all went to The Royal Melbourne Show for the very first time. We, surprisingly, had a blast! I guess we’re all still young at heart 🙂Image

Ethan tried a Dagwood dog for the very first time..Imageand he also scored himself his first show bag (a Junior Masterchef one with an apron & chef’s hat which are way too big for him!!), three windmills (yes his grandpa was being very generous) & a super cool light sabre which only cost $6! What a bargain 🙂

Ethan loved all of the lights and all of the action but especially enjoyed the Animal Nursery section where the baby animals were out of their pens, happily mingling with all of the children..Image

Here are some other shots my dad took during the 3.5 hours that we were there.. Note the amazingly whimsical Grinch Who Stole Christmas & Chinese Dragon cakes that were in the Art & Craft section of the show..!!ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageMum, Dad & Ethan: Thanks for an exhausting yet invigorating afternoon!! xx


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