Fresh juice!

We went to Costco late this afternoon and picked up way more fruits & vegetables than the three of us can possibly eat in one week.  So, with my husband showing early signs of an upper respiratory tract infection, I took the liberty of making him a healthy juice with my vintage Breville blender…

I washed, I peeled, and I chopped…

Healthy Ingredients - 2x apples, 2x pears, 3x enormous carrots, 2x celery sticks and one large continental cucumber..

Healthy Ingredients – 2x apples, 2x pears, 3x enormous carrots, 2x celery sticks and one large continental cucumber..

Can you feel the love?

I used my blender as opposed to my juicer – purely because it’s a lot faster and there are less parts to clean!!

The Starter - when using a blender I've been told to start with the highest water content ingredients first to avoid the need for too much dilutional water!

The Starter – when using a blender I’ve been told to start with the highest water content ingredients first to avoid the need for too much dilutional water!

And I ended up with two litres of homemade fruit & vegetable juice!

I jazzed up this little number for the love of my life…

The End Product - Healthy fruit & vegetable juice made with 100% bona fide love :D

The End Product – healthy fruit & vegetable juice made with 100% bona fide love 😀

But alas – my husband had already fallen asleep!!

2 thoughts

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