White cupcakes with swiss meringue buttercream & fondant daisies

This afternoon, whilst Lil’ E was enjoying his afternoon kip, I baked some of Martha Stewart’s white cupcakes – two dozen (from her cupcake book); not three dozen as described in this online recipe.  I also whipped up her swiss meringue buttercream so that everything was ready when he woke up… so that we could.. DECORATE the cupcakes!!!! (& eat them)!!!!!!!!!

Vanilla cupcake

Vanilla cupcake – all dressed up!

Here’s what you end up with Martha’s awesome white cupcake recipe..

White cupcakes - vanilla cupcakes that are crisp on the outside and soft & tender on the inside

White cupcakes – vanilla cupcakes that are crisp on the outside and soft & tender on the inside

I roughly piped the buttercream on top…

White cupcakes loaded up with swiss meringue buttercream - without any food colouring

White cupcakes loaded up with swiss meringue buttercream – without any food colouring

And then, once Lil’ E woke up, we started rolling and stamping out ready-made fondant with the $8 daisy stamps we had bought from the Queen Victoria Market a few weeks back..

Fondant daisies in yellow, blue, purple & pink!

Fondant daisies in yellow, blue, purple & pink!

By this stage, my son was already on a sugar high as he had essentially consumed at least every second daisy that he managed to successfully produce.  And whilst he perched himself at our informal dining table adjacent to our kitchen, eating the very first fully decorated cupcake, I quickly garnished the rest of them…

Cupcake decorations in progress..

Cupcake decorating in progress..

A small gift box complete with underlying doily :)

A small gift box complete with underlying doily 🙂

My preferred method of cupcake storage!  But they're obviously at their best eaten immediately... :D

My preferred method of cupcake storage! But they’re obviously at their best eaten immediately… 😉


5 thoughts

  1. Pingback: Felt Cupcake Pincushions | Cupcakepedia

    • Thanks Cupcakes Brighton – Sorry about the delayed response but I have had a good look at your website. The cakes on your website are incredible!! You are so talented…

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