Holy guacamole!

On the weekend, I went shopping and picked up a whole bag of avocados for $3 at my local Coles grocery store.  Whilst I was there, I also picked up some Truss tomatoes & a red onion… along with a packet of corn chips!!  You guessed it.. this is what we had during happy hour yesterday afternoon…

Nachos with homemade guacamole & mozzarella cheese

Nachos with homemade guacamole & mozzarella cheese

It was extremely satisfying.

I’d never made guacamole before but thought I’d wing it.  We ended up with a very chunky, rustic version but delicious none-the-less.

I diced the 5 large, ripe, avocados, added 4 diced Truss tomatoes, half a diced red onion, and the juice of a fresh lime (although we’ve got a couple of lime trees of our own, the Tahitian limes aren’t ready for picking yet (and the Kaffir limes tree is basically for the divinely fragrant leaves) – BUT my neighbour’s lime tree keeps dangling enticingly over our fence so for the first time – I seized the moment & I pilfered one!!).  I added a good handful of Maldon sea salt.. and the result.. was just amazing…

Fresh guacamole - I'm a homemade guacamole convert!!

Fresh guacamole – I’m a homemade guacamole convert!!

Probably could have been better with a bit of spice & a handful of chopped coriander but I had my toddler’s palate to contend with!

Lil’ E helped me layer up the nachos with alternating layers of corn chips, guacamole & mozzarella cheese.  Simple, semi-healthy though very indulgent, yet rather tasty!! 😀


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  1. Pingback: Chunky Homemade Guacamole - Can't Stay Out Of The Kitchen

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