Nigella Lawson’s Glitzy Chocolate Puddings

Nigella's Glitzy Chocolate Puddings

Nigella’s Glitzy Chocolate Puddings

This is a recipe pulled out of the glorious Nigella Express cookbook.  I really like this cookbook of hers because it’s a quick, no fuss kind of cookbook with amazing results.

I’d never made these puddings before but they were so divinely decadent that I’m sure I’ll be whipping them up again in the next few months…

Do give it a go as it’s so worth the effort – and don’t be put off by the number that you end up with (8)!  Because I swear they are even better the next day… even more moist and gooey…. we just popped them in the microwave for 20-30 seconds each.


What you will need.. (plus a little extra dark chocolate and a pinch of salt)

What you will need.. (plus a little extra dark chocolate and a pinch of salt)

100g dark chocolate, minimum 70% cocoa solids
100g soft butter
200g sugar
4 eggs
50g flour
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch of salt

150g dark chocolate, min 70% cocoa solids
45g butter
2x 40g Crunchie bars, broken into shards

Preheat the oven to 180C / gas mark 4.

Break up the chocolate and melt it with the butter in a bowl in the microwave or in a double boiler.  Once melted, sit the bowl on a cold surface so that the chocolate cools.

The melted butter & chocolate mixture cooling on the bench top

The melted butter & chocolate mixture cooling on the bench top

Preferably in a free standing mixer, beat the eggs & sugar until thick, pale & moussy,

The eggs & sugar all whipped up

The eggs & sugar all whipped up

then gently fold in the flour, bicarbonate of soda & a pinch of salt.

Folding in the dry ingredients

Folding in the dry ingredients

Fold in the slightly cooled chocolate & butter mixture

Folding in the melted chocolate mixture

Folding in the melted chocolate mixture

and then divide between eight ramekins.

Ramekins ready for the oven

Ramekins ready for the oven

Put in the oven to bake for 25 minutes.

Honesty is the best policy - this is the gorgeous mess that I was privy to once they were ready to come out of the oven!!

Honesty is the best policy – this is the gorgeous mess that I was privy to once they were ready to come out of the oven!!

Meanwhile, get on with the glaze by melting the chocolate & butter in a microwave (or double boiler), then whisk to form a smooth, glossy mixture & spoon this over the cooked puddings.

The glaze

The glaze

Decorate with the Crunchie rubble.

Topped with crumbly goodness

Topped with crumbly goodness

I swear these looked so much more impressive in the flesh!  Give them a go.  They are so satisfying and your lucky recipients will be ever-so-grateful 🙂

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