Thai-inspired beef salad – a quick, easy & satisfying mid-week meal

Sometimes, besides our daily glass or two of freshly made, organic, fruit & vegetable juice, we do attempt to be somewhat healthy.  And what better time to try it than mid-week when energy levels are slumping and you’ve just got to get past that hump day!!

Here’s a dish that you can literally whiz up in 15 minutes flat.  Be generous with the protein and even your man will feel full…

Serves 2 (& a toddler if you have one!)

olive oil
2 slices of steak (I usually go for scotch fillet)
salt & pepper for seasoning
salad (preferably organic)
– half a cucumber, sliced
– 1 large carrot, grated
– 150 grams mixed salad leaves
– 1 avocado, divided in half and sliced thinly
– & anything else you’ve got lying around the house
– 3 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
– 2 tbsp fish sauce (try the 3 Crabs brand – it’s by far the best)
– juice of one lime
– brown sugar to taste (usually around 2 tbsp!)
roasted nuts, chopped (cashew nuts or peanuts work well)

Heat your frying pan with olive oil.  Season your beef with salt and pepper and pan-fry to your liking (usually around 3.5 minutes per side for medium rare).pan-fry your beef

Whilst your beef is cooking, prepare your salad.get your salad ready

Whilst resting your beef, get your salad dressing ready by mixing your ingredients together well.  Slice up your beef when ready, load it up onto your salad and sprinkle with your chopped nuts.load your beef onto your salad and sprinkle with roasted cashews

Drizzle with your salad dressing.dress

Toss and serve up immediately whilst the beef is still warm.toss and serveI’m not a huge lover of salad but somehow this one always hits the spot – plus it’s great for hot summer nights!  xx

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