Gluten-free triple-chocolate brownies – need I say any more…

gluten free chocolate browniesAs I’ve mentioned previously, my mum must abide by a gluten-free diet for medical reasons.  Hence the baker in me has been pushed to try out gluten-free sweets.  Most gluten-free cakes taste grainy & leave an unsavory residue in your mouth but these are amazing.  They’re from Justin North’s FAMILY COOKING book and they are so chocolate-dense that you will have to consume a slice with at least two cups of tea!  Friends and family members that aren’t mandated by a gluten-free diet won’t be any wiser.. they’ll simply be seduced by the heady smell & rich intensity that each bite evokes.

Makes 20

385 g dark chocolate
200 g unsalted butter, diced
200 g gluten-free plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
85 g white chocolate
85 g milk chocolate
4 eggs
300 g castor sugar
1 tsp salt flakes
icing sugar, for dusting

Preheat your oven to 150C and line a brownie tin (about 30 cm x 20 cm, and 5 cm deep) with baking paper.line brownie tin

Break 300 g of the dark chocolate into small pieces and place in a heat proof bowl with the butter.melt chocolate and butter

Bring a pan of water to the boil, then remove from the heat.  Sit the bowl of chocolate on top to melt, stirring until smooth and combined, then keep warm by leaving the bowl over the pan of water.melted chocolate and butter

Sift together the flour and baking powder.flour and baking powder

Roughly chop the white chocolate, milk chocolate and the remaining 85 g dark chocolate.chocolate

Place the eggs in the bowl of an electric mixer and whisk until pale and creamy.  Gradually add the sugar and keep whisking until the mixture has roughly doubled in size.eggs and sugar

Remove the bowl from the mixer, then gently fold in the melted chocolate.add melted chocolate

Followed by the flour mixture.mix in flour

Finally, mix in the chopped chocolate and salt.add chocolate and salt

Pour into the prepared brownie tin and bake for 20-25 minutes or until just set.  Allow to cool, then refrigerate for at least 1-2 hours to firm up.baked brownies

To serve, dust with icing sugar and cut into chunks.brownies ready to eat

Give them a go and see what you think.  These brownies don’t disappoint.

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