Frying Colours in Kensington – for a fresh take on Korean food

frying coloursThe Korean waiters at this joint knew that hubby was Cantonese but kept trying to talk to me in Korean whilst I stared blankly at them!  Apparently I’m starting to look Korean – possibly because I’ve been consuming way too much Korean food of late.

This week we ventured to Frying Colours in Kensington.  It’s a neat joint with the most seductive aromas enticing you – and making you feel much hungrier than you already are – as you walk closer and closer to it.  They are family-friendly and as it turns out – a big hit amongst Korean locals.frying coloursHere’s what we tried…

FC fried chicken – the spicy version ($19)Korean fried chicken - spicyLots of bones in this version of Korean fried chicken but really yummy.  I had to get a tissue out on the sly for this spicy one!

Sweet potato noodle ($16)sweet potato noodlesA vegetarian dish but very delish!

FC mixed grill – marinated beef steak flame grill, chicken thigh flame grill & spicy pork belly flame grill ($40)frying colours mixed grillFor this shared platter, you get to choose three out of the five grilled meats on offer.  It’s essentially like going out for Korean BBQ except you don’t have to cook it yourself and you certainly don’t end up leaving the restaurant smelly and having to burn your clothes afterwards.  This was amazing.  Everything was perfectly cooked.  We especially loved the marinades on the chicken and pork.

All in all, a little bit pricey, but definitely still worth checking out.  Korean restaurants seem to be popping up everywhere in Melbourne at the moment and we are thoroughly enjoying the journey!
Frying Colours on Urbanspoon

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