Vanilla bean creme brulees – simple & perfect

00 creme bruleesThis is a very simple recipe.  I adapted this recipe back in 2005 from several recipes that I found online and I have used this rendition ever since.  It’s my go-to dessert when I’ve got left over egg yolks lying around in my fridge.  It’s so deliciously creamy and to be honest – it’s right up there with the very best restaurants – I have never tasted any vanilla bean creme brulee that is better than this…

I always use a blow torch to caramelise the sugar at the end, but you can play around with a grill if that’s all you’ve got handy at the time…

This recipe makes around 4 creme brulees – hence I always make at least a double batch if I’m entertaining…

6 egg yolks
6 tbsp or 100 g sugar
1 vanilla bean
1.5 cups thickened cream
Sugar for the toffee topping – you can use any fine sugar, though I much prefer using castor sugar because it achieves a very consistent result.

Preheat oven to 160C.

Whisk sugar & eggs together.sugar and egg yolks

Add the seeds from the vanilla bean.vanilla bean

Followed by the cream.cream

Divide the mixture between the ramekin dishes.into a pan

Arrange dishes in a hot water bath with the water level halfway up the sides of the dishes.water bath

Bake for 35-40 minutes until the custard is just set.  Allow to cool down and then chill in your refrigerator.

Before consuming, spoon a generous amount of sugar (a tablespoon or so) on top of each custard.  Distribute evenly atop.  Use a blow torch to caramelise the sugar.sugar and blow torch

That’s it – you’re done.  Yummy creme brulees…creme brulees

Creamy on the inside with that glorious crunchy toffee on the top…creme brulee - the toffee and the creme

Keep in mind that you can make these a day or two (or even three!) in advance when you’re entertaining so if you’re after an impressive end to your amazing meal – this is great.

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