Pumpkin soup – an easy, healthy & comforting option as the weather gets cooler

Pumpkin soup-6I think there are few people who don’t love a good pumpkin soup.  And with the weather in Australia heading into the winter months, this is a quick post just to remind you how easy pumpkin soup is to make and how delicious and filling – not to mention healthy – it can be.  I also love the fact that you can freeze them in Ziploc bags for emergency meals for lunches or dinners when you can’t be bothered to cook or go out.

I love butternut pumpkin soup and I always use a whole pumpkin.  I remove the skin by peeling it off with a vegetable peeler – so easy – and then I chop it up into large chunks (partly because I’m too lazy and would rather simmer it for a little longer).  For a little zing, I’ve added some Kaffir lime leaves from my garden but you can add any herbs that you so desire.

2 tbsp olive oil
2 brown onions, peeled & chopped (I also added a left over eschallot that I had lying on my bench top)
5 cloves of garlic, crushed & peeled
Whole pumpkin, peeled & chopped
5 Kaffir lime leaves (optional)
Enough chicken or vegetable stock to just cover the pumpkin (usually 1 L will suffice, but it depends on the size of your pumpkin).

In a large, heavy based casserole pot, heat up the olive oil and brown your onions and garlic.Pumpkin soup-1

Add your pumpkin & kaffir lime leaves.Pumpkin soup-2

Cover with stock and bring to the boil.Pumpkin soup-3

Reduce to a simmer and cover your pot with a lid, simmering until the pumpkin is cooked well throughout (usually 45 minutes).Pumpkin soup-4

Remove the Kaffir lime leaves & then use a blender to blend up the contents – I find a stick blender is the easiest.Pumpkin soup-5

Serve hot!  Here it’s jazzed up with a drizzle of cream and some crispy noodles but any bread, crunchy crackers, or even toasted pine nuts or cashews would also be fabulous.Pumpkin soup-7

Have I inspired you?  I’ve actually just inspired myself!  I’ll be picking up another butternut pumpkin from my local fruit & veg store later today…

What are your thoughts...