Home made green tea ice cream – creamy & delectable

My husband and I love green tea ice cream so much so that our son is very much into it as well. The other day, we dusted off our Cuisinart ice cream maker and decided to give it a go. The result was amazing and something that I’m definitely going to have to share with…

Duck a l’orange

A couple of weeks ago, we had my parents over for an impromptu dinner.  We’d bought a duck from Costco over the weekend and it got me reminiscing over the second time my husband impressed me in the kitchen (the first was when he made me sushi on his own birthday!!).. He hadn’t cooked the…

Billy Law’s claypot chicken & mushroom rice

As an ABC (Australian Born Chinese), I’ve always associated claypot cooking as a complex and refined Malaysian art form. Don’t ask me why! But anyway – when I found this recipe in Billy Law’s first cookbook Have You Eaten?, I knew that I couldn’t let my induction cooktop deter me so got out my camping…