Deliciously easy blueberry buttermilk pancakes

There’s something luxurious and decadent about lazy Sunday mornings with the family. And with my burgeoning foodie of a son, he was happy to put his breakfast schedule on hold for half an hour last weekend to allow us to whip up some tasty blueberry pancakes together whilst Daddy indulged in a few more precious…

Nigella Lawson’s Glitzy Chocolate Puddings

This is a recipe pulled out of the glorious Nigella Express cookbook.  I really like this cookbook of hers because it’s a quick, no fuss kind of cookbook with amazing results. I’d never made these puddings before but they were so divinely decadent that I’m sure I’ll be whipping them up again in the next…

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Brownies

As a relative newcomer to Instagram (debriefme), I have of late been exposed to a myriad of delectable desserts.  One that caught my eye was a Reese’s peanut butter cup brownie snapshot.  To be completely honest, we’ve had a barely-touched 56 ounce mega bag of mini Reese’s peanut butter cups sitting in the snack basket…

Buttermilk pancakes with fresh raspberries & maple syrup

You can probably tell that I love weekend breakfasts.  It’s just so leisurely and indulgent and more importantly it’s – quality family time – where you can take a moment, enjoy each other’s company and really touch base with our real reason for living… Admittedly, most mornings I down a couple of slices of papaya…

French toast with blueberries & maple syrup

On those mornings when you’ve slept in, there’s no rush to be anywhere, and your loved ones are curled up in bed with you – there’s nothing better than getting your cook on – to allow the laziness of the morning to permeate even further into the day! And seriously, it doesn’t get any easier…

Magnolia Bakery’s Vanilla & Chocolate Cupcakes

Just finished cleaning up!! Made Magnolia Bakery’s vanilla & chocolate cupcakes tonight. My son actually helped earlier on in the afternoon making the chocolate ones..! Here is the end result.. 3 boxes.. One for my parents, one for my brother’s family & one for work. Heaps of spares in plastic boxes for my boys and…

Orange chiffon cake

I’ve always been a fan of Poh from the first series of MasterChef Australia. I think it’s because of her Malaysian origins. So when I stumbled across her orange chiffon cake recipe, I decided to give it a go. It was so incredibly decadent yet oh-so-light at the very same time. Doing her three layer…