Maedaya in Richmond.. for quick and tasty Japanese food

Our family loves Maedaya.  It’s a Japanese restaurant along Bridge Road in Richmond and they’re a very family-friendly venue.  The staff are friendly and both the food & service are extremely efficient which is great when you get there completely and utterly ravenous – hunkering for a delicious feed.  It’s large with an upstairs area…

Beef bulgogi crepes

For dinner tonight, I decided to do a little Korean/French fusion – just for kicks.  Here’s what I came up with – beef bulgogi crepes. The beef & onions were cooked until golden brown and because I’ve got a toddler, I took the liberty of chopping a bunch of asparagus up really finely and hiding…

Fathers’ Night

Last weekend, on Father’s Day, I was really sick.  This week, pretty much all of us are sick but the difference being I’m feeling a lot better and with all of us contaminated with the same dirty bugs, we didn’t have to be overly concerned with infecting one another because the deed had already been…