The Dandenong Ranges in Autumn – a photo diary

Last month, my two children and I drove up the Dandenong Ranges with my parents to explore the countryside, inhale fresh air & most importantly, spend some quality time together.  As I was responsible for my two children whilst my husband was hard at work, I left my DSLR at home and procured my father’s…

DIY knitted head bands for little girls

With a toddler son and now a baby girl, nothing irks me more than being asked how my ‘baby boy’ is when she’s really a girl – even when I dress her in pink dresses and tights 99.9% of the time when we’re out and about!  Call me sensitive – I’ve actually got pretty thick…

My First Mother’s Day

I thought I’d better post something because it’s best not to forget momentous occasions like this, right? Ethan is only 10 months and 24 days but he went out with his Daddy (who had to work in the afternoon) to pick me up hot cakes & coffee from McDonald’s in the morning. It was a…

Lunch at Bistro Guillaume

It’s still Autumn in Melbourne at the moment but the weather put on a pretty poor show today!  We have had pouring rain all day, ridiculous traffic as a result, and the highest temp we reached today was 15.1C.  However, despite working full time, I have Tuesdays off and it happened to coincide with one…

I’m back

Well this certainly feels surreal! I can’t believe it’s been a year since my last post. I know most bloggers go absent because something bad happens – they get sick, go through a relationship breakdown, have problems with work, etc – but I have no such excuse… I’m still extremely grateful for the life that…