Hammer & Tong in Fitzroy

My husband and I were very taken with our first visit to Hammer & Tong in Fitzroy for brunch last weekend. The establishment is all about fine food in a casual dining environment and that’s exactly what they delivered and the reason why the queues outside are so long – especially on the weekends. It’s…

Deliciously easy blueberry buttermilk pancakes

There’s something luxurious and decadent about lazy Sunday mornings with the family. And with my burgeoning foodie of a son, he was happy to put his breakfast schedule on hold for half an hour last weekend to allow us to whip up some tasty blueberry pancakes together whilst Daddy indulged in a few more precious…

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Brownies

As a relative newcomer to Instagram (debriefme), I have of late been exposed to a myriad of delectable desserts.  One that caught my eye was a Reese’s peanut butter cup brownie snapshot.  To be completely honest, we’ve had a barely-touched 56 ounce mega bag of mini Reese’s peanut butter cups sitting in the snack basket…

Buttermilk pancakes with fresh raspberries & maple syrup

You can probably tell that I love weekend breakfasts.  It’s just so leisurely and indulgent and more importantly it’s – quality family time – where you can take a moment, enjoy each other’s company and really touch base with our real reason for living… Admittedly, most mornings I down a couple of slices of papaya…