Home made green tea ice cream – creamy & delectable

My husband and I love green tea ice cream so much so that our son is very much into it as well. The other day, we dusted off our Cuisinart ice cream maker and decided to give it a go. The result was amazing and something that I’m definitely going to have to share with…

Nigella Lawson’s Glitzy Chocolate Puddings

This is a recipe pulled out of the glorious Nigella Express cookbook.  I really like this cookbook of hers because it’s a quick, no fuss kind of cookbook with amazing results. I’d never made these puddings before but they were so divinely decadent that I’m sure I’ll be whipping them up again in the next…

French toast with blueberries & maple syrup

On those mornings when you’ve slept in, there’s no rush to be anywhere, and your loved ones are curled up in bed with you – there’s nothing better than getting your cook on – to allow the laziness of the morning to permeate even further into the day! And seriously, it doesn’t get any easier…

Happy Easter!

I can’t believe I’m up at this hour but thought I’d better post this now because it is looking as if it’s going to be a very busy day! Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy & Holy Easter for 2013. Lil’ E & I hung out at Grandma’s place on Easter Saturday and…