Puffing Billy – Victoria’s historical steam railway

There are so many things in the Dandenong Ranges that make it unique and special.  One of those things is Puffing Billy which is a steam railway that runs daily between Belgrave and Gembrook.  We went on Puffing Billy from Belgrave to Emerald Lake (Lakeside) last month for Lil’ E’s 3rd birthday.  Lil’ E &…

The Dandenong Ranges in Autumn – a photo diary

Last month, my two children and I drove up the Dandenong Ranges with my parents to explore the countryside, inhale fresh air & most importantly, spend some quality time together.  As I was responsible for my two children whilst my husband was hard at work, I left my DSLR at home and procured my father’s…

Miss Marple’s Tea Room

Last weekend, Eric drove me up the Dandenong Ranges and we FINALLY got an opportunity to try out Miss Marple’s Tea Room!  Now Miss Marple’s is apparently a Mount Dandenong institution.  It’s renowned for its afternoon teas but a big problem with the place is that it does not take bookings!!  Yes.. I despise those…