The Dandenong Ranges in Autumn – a photo diary

Last month, my two children and I drove up the Dandenong Ranges with my parents to explore the countryside, inhale fresh air & most importantly, spend some quality time together.  As I was responsible for my two children whilst my husband was hard at work, I left my DSLR at home and procured my father’s…

The Queensland Flood – a photo diary

You’ve all probably been hearing constant updates regarding Australia’s floods in Queensland and New South Wales.  It’s really quite horrific when I see my home country ravaged by natural disasters each and every season. Though I’m in Melbourne, my parents are stationed in Queensland.  They’re fortunate that both their house and work place are on…

London – Day 2

Today was a lot of fun…  We started a bit late due to pure laziness and were slowed down even further because our usual bus stop was closed and multiple Tube lines were closed but eventually made it to PICADILLY CIRCUS where we picked up our London Passes for tomorrow and then stopped by TOKU,…


Milan, Italy’s business district, did not win over my heart.  It was literally cold and rainy the entire time with very little to see apart from Leonardo da Vinci’s amazing The Last Supper at the Santa Maria delle Grazie Church and the occasional smartly dressed Italian.. So here are some dodgy night shots where Eric…

Murano & Burano

Murano and Burano are two series of islands within the Venetian Lagoon.  We went to check out Murano’s famous glass and Burano’s famous lace but were mostly taken by the brightly coloured houses and boats. Here are some of my photos from MURANO taken late in the afternoon.. And here are some interesting glass sculptures…

Some more night shots of Rome

We’re in Florence today.  Went to the Medici Palace in the morning (we had intended on going to the Medici Chapel to see Michelangelo’s early work but followed the wrong directions!!  :P), the Academia in the afternoon (no photos allowed but Michelangelo’s David was phenomenally good!), and then the Duomo in the evening.  I might…

Cinque Terre

Eric and I have just spent the past two nights in Monterosso which is part of the CINQUE TERRE (5 villages), situated along the Italian Riviera. It was one of the most romantic places that we’ve ever been to. Unfortunately, the both of us have been sick (me more so than Eric probably because I’ve…