Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Fudge Brownies

As a relative newcomer to Instagram (debriefme), I have of late been exposed to a myriad of delectable desserts.  One that caught my eye was a Reese’s peanut butter cup brownie snapshot.  To be completely honest, we’ve had a barely-touched 56 ounce mega bag of mini Reese’s peanut butter cups sitting in the snack basket…

An update

Sorry I’ve been M.I.A. of late.  Over the last couple of weeks, a lot of sh*t has gone down and I’ve wanted nothing more than to immerse myself in work and in my free time, watch episode after episode of {Can I say it?  Is it too embarrassing??  Oh screw it..} The Hills from Series 1…

My Anti-Depressants

I’ve had a pretty awful day.  So Eric let me take advantage of the late night End of Financial Year shopping sales and took me into the city where… I picked up my bracelet (after FOUR months – it’s had 2 trips to New York & 1 trip to HK without me!), refreshed my coffee…

Never List-less

I hate to admit it but I’m a list maker.  I’m a bit of a fanatic actually.  I keep lists on my kitchen whiteboard at home with three sections: what I need to buy from the grocery store; what I need to buy from the Chinese grocer; and what I need to buy from Costco!…

My Dream of Being a Housewife..

Sometimes I wish I could just be a housewife.  It’s a strange, odd, desire that I’ve had since I started working five years ago after university.  Prior to that, I always wanted to be a career woman with two amazing children, waking up at 5 am to hit the gym, coming home to feed, clothe,…


Ennui is what describes ME right now. For those of you who don’t know what ennui means, Wikipedia defines it as this: The original French word Ennui, means general lack of interest, boredom or depression. It may also refer to oppressive boredom. It refers to a state of being rather than a passing mood as…

Re-kindling Old Flames

Tonight, I was reminded of a reason why I once fell in love with surgery.  It’s the adrenaline rush of an emergency.  The unfolding of the story as you hear of the case through the grapevine, meet the patient, examine them, look at their observations, their bloods, their scans.  You concur that the referring doctor…

Boob Jobs

Lately in theatre, I’ve noticed that boob jobs have become all the rage. I’m finishing off a general surgery rotation (two and a half weeks to go!!) so I’ve noted in the last week or two that every woman under the age of 60 (mind you.. I’m seeing a bit of a skewed population here)…

Baby Whisperer

Children seem to like me. They always seem to come up to me and want to hang around me. But this morning, on a ward round, I had the pleasure of nursing a crying 5 day-old baby girl whilst her mother’s abdomen was being examined. She was gorgeous. She stopped crying as soon as I…