Saturday smoothie session – a green one to nurse me back to health…

This week, we’ve been breathed on, coughed on and sneezed on by our son with croup.  Yesterday I went down and am yearning for some pseudoephedrine to pick me up – such a shame I’m breastfeeding our 11-weeker at the moment..

So today I figured I may as well start a new weekly feature – the Saturday smoothie sessions.  Why not?  After all, we own a Vitamix and we use it quite regularly with our fortnightly organic fruit & veg delivery service to increase our intake of the good stuff…

We actually prefer a heavy duty blender to juicers because you get more fibre and also retain more of the nutrients, plus you feel as though you’re not wasting anything…

green smoothie

So here’s the first green smoothie on the blog.  It’s absolutely delicious and even children will love it…


Makes approximately 2 litres.

2 apples
2 oranges
2 celery sticks
1/2 continental cucumber
1 super generous cup of spinach leaves
2 carrots
660mL coconut water

Load it up into your blender (with the leafy bits at the bottom)..
loaded up in the vitamix

And within 30 seconds of blending, you’ve got an amazingly refreshing green smoothie to share with the entire smoothies

What are your thoughts...