Saturday smoothie session – banana & mango with a green twist

banana mango smoothies with a green twistOur organic delivery service delivered us a whole lot of bananas last week so we’ve been seizing the day and whipping up some delicious banana smoothies.

The green twist to this one is a big handful of organic spinach leaves because let’s be truthful – smoothies seem healthier when they’ve got at least a tinge of green to them – am I right?  And also.. the mother in me is always on the prowl for ways to hide vegetables and thus increase my son’s overall intake of the good stuff.

Makes approximately 1.5 litres.

INGREDIENTSingredients2 cups of low fat milk
1 mango, flesh of (frozen if possible)
2 bananas
1 super generous cup of spinach leaves

Load all of the ingredients up in your blender..load them into your blender

And within 30 seconds of blending, you should have a luscious, creamy smoothie.  Enjoy xsmoothies for the taking


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