Macedon Ranges – road tripping through Victoria

hanging rockI have such fond memories of road tripping with my parents as a youngster that when they offered to take my children and I for a drive to the Macedon Ranges this week – I jumped at the opportunity!  After all, who would deprive their own children of quality family time with their grandparents.. not I.

We left Melbourne after peak hour traffic died down and it took us just over an hour to travel through Gisborne up to Mount Macedon.  We stopped at the tea rooms to have some morning tea, spied their peacock mascot and had a little stroll down to the Mount Macedon Memorial Cross.tea rooms

02 peacock

memorial cross

memorial cross

After that, we drove to Hanging Rock and did the 1800m return trip walk.  Initially I took the stroller with me for my 3 month old but about a third of the way up, a kind old couple told me to forget about it – for the journey would be near impossible!  So my mother and I turned back to swap the stroller for the baby carrier and we were off again to catch up with my toddler and his grandpa who were found taking selfies with grandpa’s Nikon D3.

Lil’ E managed to walk the entire way himself.  At times we thought he wouldn’t be able to make it but he soldiered on like a champion and hiked all the way to the top.  There at the top, we had a picnic – at Hanging Rock!

The rock formations were spectacular – as was the view…hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

hanging rock

A huge fan of the alphabet, my son kept us occupied by pointing out letters in the most unusual places.  For instance.. can you see the A in this photo?hanging rock

When we got to the top, we spied “SAVE THE ROCK” sculpted into a nearby pasture and upon further investigation, ended up signing the petition here to help halt private development of the Hanging Rock the rock

At the end of the hike, we met this kangaroo that was either pregnant or housing a little joey within its pouch.kangaroo with joey

And then we stopped by Kyneton for a super late lunch before heading back home to Melbourne.

All in all an amazing day trip enhanced with quality time spent between three generations.  Sometimes we have to remember that we’re mere mortals; hence whenever the opportunity arises, we need to embrace family and spend as much quality time together as humanly possible.

{Photos by my incredible father..}

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