Saturday smoothie session – choc banana & cherry – because I have way too many bananas in my house..!

Chocolate cherry banana smoothie-3Overripe bananas are not only glorious for baking, they’re also packed with anti-oxidants and are super sweet so are great for whipping up smoothies.  My house has a whole bunch of overripe bananas at the moment, so here’s a delicious recipe to try at home.

Makes approximately 1.5 litres.

INGREDIENTSChocolate cherry banana smoothie-22 cups frozen cherries (or fresh if they are available – you might want to add some ice to your blender if they aren’t frozen though)
2 cups fresh spinach leaves
2 bananas
2 tbsp Milo
500 mL (2 cups) low fat milk

Load everything up in your blender ensuring the spinach leaves are not on top..Chocolate cherry banana smoothie-1

And blend till smooth.Chocolate cherry banana smoothie-4

Enjoy its sweet, chocolatey, creamy goodness packed with heaps of calcium, vitamin C, iron, zinc, potassium & anti-oxidants to boot.  Yum!Chocolate cherry banana smoothie-5

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